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OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace

Open­Sea serv­es as a hor­i­zon­tal, peer-to-peer mar­ket­place for digi­tal goods, allowing users to buy, sell, and auction NFTs, rare digital items and crypto collectibles. For developers, OpenSea of­fers ex­ten­sive in­te­gra­tions and tool­ing for dApps in the NFT space. They in­dex and pro­vide the largest dataset of NFTs (hav­ing been around since the first projects were listed), and act as a sec­ondary mar­ket for pop­u­lar col­lec­tions and projects.

Open­Sea sup­ports a num­ber of wide­ly-used to­kens and chains, and they are ac­tive­ly expand­ing that list. They sup­port both ERC-721 non-fun­gi­bles and ERC-1155 semi-fun­gi­bles, and are a mul­ti-chain plat­form, pro­vid­ing tool­ing for Poly­gon and Klaytn in ad­di­tion to Ethereum.

Along­side their mar­ket­place, Open­Sea’s API plat­form pow­ers third-par­ty tool­ing, with their REST API serv­ing as the back­bone of a num­ber of large projects in the Web3 com­mu­ni­ty, such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Rainbow, among others. shdgbjs

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